People go for hair transplants for two reasons- untimely hair fall or covering baldness to look good regardless of age. More and more people are now adopting this technique to grow natural hair but they are inquisitive about the procedure...
What is hair loss?
Hair loss can be termed as destruction of healthy hair follicles to a large extent. Destruction of healthy hair follicles usually makes them loose on the scalp as a result of which loss of hair is experienced. Growth and rejuvenation...
Where to Get the Hair Transplant Treatment in Delhi
Most people have doubts about the safety of the hair transplant in Delhi. People believe that it has side effects, but they are not aware that those are just temporary conditions and are a matter for just a few days. The...
9 Most Prevailing Myths About Hair Transplantation
Over the decades there has been an immense change in the field of medicine, with advancement of time say about in a few years hair transplant restoration has shown a remarkable growth. People who want a change in looks are...
Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Hair Loss
How to know if you are facing upcoming baldness or hair loss? There is the difference between hair loss (Medical Term “Alopecia”) & hair fall. Hair fall is the normal process of hair life cycle but hair loss is losing...
Hair Loss & its Treatment with Homeopathic Remedies
Hair loss can occur at any age, and can be seen both in men and women. If a person is losing up to 50 to 100 strands of hair, It is not a problem as it is a natural procedure....
Stem Cell Therapy for Hair Loss
Hair transplantation is the most advanced form of surgery taking place in the country. There are various clinics in all the major cities of India which are doing hair transplantation at an affordable cost. Here we will be discussing Stem...
All About Hair Transplant Surgery – Cost, procedure & results
Hair is an important component of body and adds on to good looks or rather enhance your personality to a large extent. Loosing of hair can be fatal, and this can really take a toll on the level of confidence...
Stay away from alcohol beverages few weeks before and after surgery
Hair transplantation has become a very common phenomenon in men, during the modern age. But, patients are suggested to carry out a detailed research on the procedure before they opt for the same. This is because hair transplantation is a...
Finest Hair Transplant surgeries that are now available in India
Apart from Scalp (head) Hair Transplant Surgery , hair transplant clinics in India also providing other types of balding solutions such as Body hair transplant, eyelash/eyebrow hair transplant, Beard hair transplant, Moustache hair transplant etc. Types of Hair transplant available...