Apart from Scalp (head) Hair Transplant Surgery , hair transplant clinics in India also providing other types of balding solutions such as Body hair transplant, eyelash/eyebrow hair transplant, Beard hair transplant, Moustache hair transplant etc.
Types of Hair transplant available in India
- Body hair transplant
- Eyelash/eyebrow hair transplant
- Beard hair transplant
- Moustache hair transplant
Body hair transplant is medically referred to as a revolutionary hair transplant procedure where the patient does not have any donor area, practically too weak a donor area or not prepared to undergo FUE or FUT. This Body hair procedure has literarily been used for some successful scalp hair transplant when the supply of available scalp donor has been used up, but this has also been suggested as a preference to treat widespread cases of baldness or hair loss with poor donor scalp. The BHT in India is also known as the ‘‘no stitch, no scar procedure’’, due to the fact that in this technique, the donor area for hair is not the back of the patients scalp, but some other predetermined body area. These areas can be the beard, the chest, back, the stomach area, legs as well as the arms. So after the graft is harvested from the selected body areas, they are then transplanted above the balding or hair loss area of head. The BHT in India is a method carried out only on patients suffering from acute baldness or hair loss, and who have very limited follicular reserve or very thin remnants of hair behind their scalp. However, the BHT as a technique is said to be highly effective and basically gives some great hope to even those with acute baldness or hair loss.
The eyelash/eyebrow hair transplant is optimal loss of hair at the brow area of the eyes, and losing hair from eyebrows is said to be more upsetting and troubling than when we experience the scalp hair loss or baldness. An extreme loss of hairs at the eyebrow could be as a result of constant tweezing and probably the recurrent application of certain beauty method, or the effects of some everlasting scar. However, with the new transplant procedure, the hair loss at the brow can be effectively corrected. One other issue over the eyebrow hair transplant is that in some patients, the transplanted hair on the eyebrows area may maintain its steady growth and may require some regular trimming.
Beard/moustache hair transplant could also be called beard restoration which basically uses an exceptionally advanced careful method of correction. This sort of procedure is carried out on men who are patients of spotty or patchy loss of hair at the beard, sideburns or at the moustache area. The FUE procedure which is applied for hair transplant is also employed during the beard and moustache transplant and this is a procedure known to take up approximately three to nine hours depending on the region treated and the relative amount of hair required for the correction. The result of this procedure on a patient is extremely very natural. The beard/ moustache is basically not like the hair itself and so there may be disparity in density in people involved. Interestingly, with more than a fair share of beards may invariably not feel indifferent because of this and this is the major reason why not much beard is required for the transplantation. However, in case of an inequitable beard loss, the transplantation is carried when the density of the surrounding area is considered.